React and Respond!

Each week you will given a unique picture to write about. We want to get your initial first reaction to the picture!

Objective - Entertain the reader! Have fun!

- Use humour
- Be dramatic
- Be serious
- Write from a different viewpoint e.g. It might be as Ronald Macdonald, one of the men in black, yourself or even a made up character outside the photo.....

This is a must do activity

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Term 1 - Week 2 & 3


  1. The croud goes wild then all of a sudden something run's onto the soccer field then a little grey and white head pops up behind the soccer ball its a little kitten and Jerry is going to kick the ball with the kitten behind it then!!! DunDun the goes flying the kitten lets go of the ball meow the kitten says and lands on someone in the croud its a lady she loves little kittens
    from jevania

  2. Yesterday I went to a soccer game. It was so funny, a girl brought a cat to the game and it went on the field. The cat was going to the ball and the ball got kicked and the cat went flying through the air same with the ball.
    By Kyla

  3. what an amazing day for soccer. but why is THE CAT PLAYING!!!
    well you don't see this stuff much. Why is the cat guarding the ball oh no there is a player ouch that would be painful.
    Wait what is this the cat is angry ouch I am lucky I am not playing. Oh look the cat is running hard out oooh he scores.
    He is a LEGEND or is it a girl.
    by Logan


    Apparently a kitten ran in front of a foot ball player just as he kicked the ball WHAM! The kitten head when flying towards a news man who- OW! Hey this is the head of a kitten who- WAIT A MINUTE!

  5. Well folks, the game has been in overtime for 19 minutes and were still at 2-2. A penalty has just been committed by Ausberg's Frank Fibonacci and Bayern Munich's Tom Greenhouse will take the penalty. The penalty is about to be... WHAT IS THAT CAT DOING IN FRONT OF THE BALL!!! IT'S GOING TO GET KILLED!!!

  6. LAST ONE WAS By Ciaran

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  8. One sunny day some men were playing football when... a cat went running out to the football. Just as the man went running to kick the ball the cat meowed so hard the man ran away. Then the cat popped the ball and ran away never to be seen again.
    By Taysha

  9. Kody's\Tyler's Comments:
    The crowd is screaming go Messi. But then something rather hairy runs on to the field. STOP!!!!!!! Messi stops and says to the little kitten what's your name then the kitten goes Mr Bron. Then Messi helps Mr Bron off the field then Messi kicks the goal and they win.

  10. I was playing soccer and I was about to kick the ball then a cat jumped right in front of me MOVE CAT MOVE.

    The crowd was getting angry And so was I.

    Yay! the cat moved but then the gamed was over WHAT.

    By Hayley and Jorjye

  11. As the soccer player ran up to the ball
    for a penalty shot that will win the game.

    Suddenly a cat came out from the middle of
    nowhere,the soccer player kicked the ball. The cat
    went airborne and went straight through the net and
    everybody cheered, clapped. The weird thing was the score counted. THE END ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    by thomas and ben

  12. "The final kick do you wanna play I dare you ""yeah sure" "I dare you to go out into the middle of the soccer field where the ball is. are you meow to it enough." "Yes, are you sure, yes,okay go on then (whistling to the middle of the field).Go, Go, Go, and the ball goes where the cat is and then..... TO BE CONTINUED.
    From Estah

  13. Recipe for Kittyball stew:

    3-4 whole chicken/beef stocks
    1 boiling cauldron (Use very hot water)
    1 cup of soccer boots
    1 Whole soccer ball
    1/2 cup grass
    1 tblsp of mud
    1 kitten (or 7 optional)
    3/4 icing sugar (for extra sweetness)
    1 Large person (children preferably)

    Place kitten in front of ball. Grab your person and place them in position about to kick ball. Get your grandma to hold on to the kitten while you set up. Get the cauldron filled with very hot water and make sure that your person is wearing soccer boots and can kick the ball and the kitten into cauldron. Sprinkle the icing sugar over the kitten (Or ball) and then the mud followed by the grass. Make the grandma move and then get the person to kick the ball and kitten into cauldron. Once kitten and ball are in the cauldron, preheat cauldron to 60°C and wait to water is boiled. Add the last of the icing sugar to the water and the last of the grass and mud to the mixture. Put the chicken stock in and wait for 10 minutes or so continuously cooking everything in pot and stir the mixture carefully.

    After all this, you've probably made a mistake. Go back and do it again.
    Pour mixture (once correct) into bowl and eat. Caution, You may find bits of flesh and possibly bones so you will need to eat those or pick them out.
    By Eva

  14. The great game.

    We are live in Rio de janeiro in Maracana stadium. Soccer macaws vs cats who will win?

    Rolando passes to messi, messi passes to... Bob cat blocks the pass to hulk. bob passes to ginger to storm to Milo to taco to Betsy and Betsy scores. who new that wiskas does have great protein. 2:35 am the end of the game the cats one 35-5. We have found the best team in the world.

  15. Yeah wooah hoo "do you wanna play I DARE YOU" " yeah sure I'll like to play" "well then I DARE YOU TO GO into the middle of the field right where that soccer ball is and when the man goes there you quickly run there and jump and..." "and what well your find out" find out what" "well it's a surprise, okay ready steady there now run run run (whistling) run!!! meowww and he ran like the wind he was right there and the player kicked the ball and......
    By Estah

  16. where live in the Palmerston north hokowhitu lagoon park reporting a game of soccer fiesta the cat vs chris killen.
    Now we are just waiting for the whistle wait there we go that was the whistle .

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  18. it was the start of the football game. They put the ball on the field and didn't realise that a cat was attached, to the ball. As the was a about to kick the Kitten pocked its head out from top of the ball, in fright the cats name was Piggy but the football player did not no that. The second the footballer saw that he stooped immediately picked up the cat and carried it to safety.

    from jasmine

  19. Monday morning on the news.Today the most famous kicker in the world Lionel Messi was going to shot the final goal for the season, but then out of no were a cat was caught on camera flying onto the field to well I think try and sabotage Lionel Messi's shot, but I don't think that messed with Messi. I think that kitty got a fright of his life. the croud didn't care about that kitty ether they went, wild, wild, wild.

  20. one day a cat played football and a poser came a long and played with the cat.

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  22. NEWS FEED!!! Reported LIVE a girls cat had ran on to the field MID GAME!!!!!!!!!!! and was shot into the air it was giving the players death stare before screaming and being kicked into the air the cat was retrived from the other side of the court but not before becoming internet famous as Flying Kitty the cat the girl was given her cat and took it two the vets for any consered kitty readers it was incredibe that the cat had flown 10 meters and hit the ground!!!!!!!!!!
    By Georgia

  23. On Monday I bought a cat and called it claws. When I got home from the pet shop I gave it a nice little bed and some food. Then I had to go to hockey, so I said "bye, I'll see you later". When I got home from hockey Dad was watching the news about a soccer game. I looked at the TV and then I saw a cat that looked just like mine. So I went to my bedroom room, and saw that my cat was not there. I went searching around the house, but she was nowhere to be found. "Dad I can't find the cat". I ran to the car and jumped in it. I yelled "hurry up!" We stopped at the soccer game, and there I saw my cat hiding behind the ball that was about to be kicked. I Screamed "CLAWS!" and Claws screamed back "meeeeeeooooooow!!".

  24. I was in the crowed watching the soccer when all of a sudden a cat jumped onto the field "stop the game" shouted the couch as the cat jumped of the field as fast as he could and ran all the way home back to his owner.

  25. Once upon a time there was a man named Joe. Joe was soccer player for about 10yrs now. He got chosen for the tour of Asia when he got to Asia Joe's team mate had to drive from the airport to the stadium after 25min the crowed was coming into the stadium when the game stared the crowd was going CRAZY! over the team BUT!! a penalty happened Joe's mate got BUTTED in the head so Joe's team got the kick into the goal but suddenly the was silents in the crowd Joe was like what was that? it happened again Joe turned round and looked down it was a.... cat meowing to his death then every one was bored so the walked away

    The End By KYAN & JOSH

  26. Once upon a time there was a man named Joe. Joe was soccer player for about 10yrs now. He got chosen for the tour of Asia when he got to Asia Joe's team mate had to drive from the airport to the stadium after 25min the crowed was coming into the stadium when the game stared the crowd was going CRAZY! over the team BUT!! a penalty happened Joe's mate got BUTTED in the head so Joe's team got the kick into the goal but suddenly the was silents in the crowd Joe was like what was that? it happened again Joe turned round and looked down it was a.... cat meowing to his death then every one was bored so the walked away

    The End By KYAN & JOSH

  27. Once upon a time there was a man named Joe. Joe was soccer player for about 10yrs now. He got chosen for the tour of Asia when he got to Asia Joe's team mate had to drive from the airport to the stadium after 25min the crowed was coming into the stadium when the game stared the crowd was going CRAZY! over the team BUT!! a penalty happened Joe's mate got BUTTED in the head so Joe's team got the kick into the goal but suddenly the was silents in the crowd Joe was like what was that? it happened again Joe turned round and looked down it was a.... cat meowing to his death then every one was bored so the walked away

    The End By KYAN & JOSH

  28. Once upon a time there was a man named Joe. Joe was soccer player for about 10yrs now. He got chosen for the tour of Asia when he got to Asia Joe's team mate had to drive from the airport to the stadium after 25min the crowed was coming into the stadium when the game stared the crowd was going CRAZY! over the team BUT!! a penalty happened Joe's mate got BUTTED in the head so Joe's team got the kick into the goal but suddenly the was silents in the crowd Joe was like what was that? it happened again Joe turned round and looked down it was a.... cat meowing to his death then every one was bored so the walked away

    The End By KYAN & JOSH

  29. Once upon a time there was a man named Joe. Joe was soccer player for about 10yrs now. He got chosen for the tour of Asia when he got to Asia Joe's team mate had to drive from the airport to the stadium after 25min the crowed was coming into the stadium when the game stared the crowd was going CRAZY! over the team BUT!! a penalty happened Joe's mate got BUTTED in the head so Joe's team got the kick into the goal but suddenly the was silents in the crowd Joe was like what was that? it happened again Joe turned round and looked down it was a.... cat meowing to his death then every one was bored so the walked away

    The End By KYAN & JOSH

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  31. I was watching this soccer game thingy... Then suddenly the "guy" was about to kick the ball when suddenly a cat came up behind the ball and was about to eat it. A few seconds later the "guy" tried to stop but he couldn't then he KICKED, the ball and the cat when flying and that's how cats can fly anyway the cat went flying and died

  32. Good Moring {yaing} AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH man: That was a hard ball to kick cat: Im dead [cat dies}
