React and Respond!

Each week you will given a unique picture to write about. We want to get your initial first reaction to the picture!

Objective - Entertain the reader! Have fun!

- Use humour
- Be dramatic
- Be serious
- Write from a different viewpoint e.g. It might be as Ronald Macdonald, one of the men in black, yourself or even a made up character outside the photo.....

This is a must do activity

Monday, September 21, 2015

Term 3 - Week 10 - Ooopppsss...


  1. It was fine day birds soaring by and a great day for a drive i went out for 5 hours to my jobs i did the biggest turn and bounced into the recycle centre out of no where a big craw started to lift my car into the bin oh no my car gone .

  2. Brooom Broom I was in the car singing my song merry had a little lamb it was a great day picking up the kids singing carrels and watching the kinds play sport what a great day we went home we were getting ready for my movie with the kids.

    we went zoooming in the car we were late .
    wait what is that a big garbegs truck mum mum what what aaaaa smash we are stuck. the end

  3. beep beep the man in the car went the breaks wouldn't work he zoomed past everyone and the he landed in a big bin and said oh well see ya car and then got arrested hahahahahahaha the end

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  5. today i was just driving around town then i saw a cop casing a guy then he told me to pol over and i got a fright then i zipped off i cheeped going i thought abut it if i pol over i will go to jail then there was a dog that jumped out on the rod and i terned and there was a kid ramp and i went flying up in to the bin and they court me

  6. one day i was driving with my teddy down king st in my cool new car their was a man who had a sheep and i went past and said hiiiii then their was a man that had a gun and started shooting at me and i said ha no no no don't do that then my window was smashed and i said noooooooooo then i was not looking at the road and i went on to a track ohhhhhhhhhhhh nooooo theirs a ramp ahhhhhhhh im in a bin yay

  7. A car went in a bin with a lot of food scrap's and glass and someone was in the car and drinking coke a cola and then a big yellow bin and the police where there to be continued by Jordis Robinson

  8. I was doing my fist driving test to day every thing was normal for a few mines I toke my eye of the road for mines to look at my house and wave to my pernts who wisd me luck I some how ran on to my nerabers rufe and right in to the riciling bin

  9. I was driving down the road when this car came flying on my side of the road and was going the wrong way I had to do something I struggled I said in my head think fast think fast here I got ready to zoom to the footpath 3 2 1 BOOM, CRASH SPLAT THE END...

    By: Tia and Lily

  10. vroom vroom the car is out of control where going to crash oh look there is a dump track dads asleep again dad Wake up dad dad wake up CRASH BANG POW BOOM!!! oops
    to be continued

  11. Today in this episode going to show you how to teach a lama to drive. step one. put the lama in the car. step two. put the key in the car and turn. step three put the car into gear and that's all you need to know. no lama no.

  12. Now here's a lesson kids: why you don't let your cat drive for you.

    1. Get ready to get told off by your mum

    2. it can't reach the brakes

    3. it can't steer

    4. you'll end up like this picture

    5. he can't see where hes going

    6. get ready to yell " I'M GONNA DIE!"

    7. and you'll be def because of all the screaming and yelling

    By Aaron

  13. Its 3:00 in the morning and I am going to take the car keys and drive wile their asleep.I crept down stairs and snatch the keys off the hook and sneak outside and jump into the car.I rev the engine and I push my foot down on the exalerator and wish I was off and before I new it I was in the garbage bin.The next day I was still in the car so my parents found me and I over heard them say next time lets not make the keys reachable for a baby.

  14. I wanted to go shopping at 12am. As I went to the shop I found a park well it was pitch black an I crash into a ... yellow bin mum was not happy. But that was my first time when I was three.

  15. It was a sunny day
    The sun was shining
    My cat was crazy
    He wouldn't stop whining

    So I was going to the supermarket
    and my car crashed
    It was a bit horrible
    and there was a bit of a blast

    Now you may have noticed
    Something happened to my car
    I was having a bit of some fizz
    At the long lost bar

    By Alice

  16. my kids are very bossy they ask me to do everything but i don't want to make them cry so i do mum always sends them to there bedroom to make them think of what they have done i wanted to be the awesome parent for once i new that this would change so i did and i ended up in hospertil it was very painful but i did it (tell by sister to cross it off my bucket list)

  17. We are in a Bus...
    We are singing a random song
    It goes like this
    The driver gets so distracted
    That he drives the Bus off a cliff
    And into the sea

    These people die..
    Mr Bron's Hairy Legs 1982-2015

    The End

  18. the other day my dad let me drive the car in the esplanade and little did we know there was a ramp and a skip bin ahead the road bumps had stopped so i went faster and turned the corner and there was a ramp i didn't have time to slow down so what goes up must come down but we came down in the bin i got grounded for a year and had to pay but my dad let me so that's unfair.

    The end

  19. its my dads drivers test today im pretty sure hill pass if does pass we get to go to mcdonalds i watched him but instead of turning he went straight and landed in a garbish can and thats how we didnt end up going to mccdonlds

  20. So I wanted to be like my dad a scientist , I thought I should make you know something and that's when I made well tried to make a flying car. (1 hour later) I had finished my creation and wanted to test it out, I drove outside and speed down the street. And let's just say I ended up like that picture and I SUCK AT BEING A SCIENTIST...............

  21. As I glanced through the foot path, charcoal grey stones glistened in the bright yellow sunlight.The sun played hide and seek with the white velvety clouds. Natural fragrance green grass slowly swayed side to side.

    I took a glimpse, something wasn't right. 10 MINUTES LATER...
    I noticed there was something awfully strange in the filthy trash can.A colossal red car shone brightly, my moist fast resisted.

    ... TBC
    By Kaia & Morgan

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  23. Im in a car
    im going far
    im stuck in tar
    and some ones yelleing par

    I see a bin
    im gonna spin
    into a tin
    and i will be in

    Im gonna crash
    with a big splash.

    but now now im dead
    in a hospital bed

    By Mia and Hayley

  24. today it has come in that Richie Mccaw has just taken his second drivers test just because he got a big FAIL on has first test doesn't mean he won't fail this test will maybe ...... he so failed and he crashed his new red car in a garbage truck ngood luck next time maybe

  25. morning time,its 9

    its morning time 9:30 in the morning I wake up and put my nightgown on then go into the kitchen to grab a cup of tea but then BEEP BEEP BEEP go's a car in the garage. I spit my cup of tea out.What,its already 9:30 he shouted then came a knock at my door"hello" the person said it was my driving lessons teacher I said "oh hello" he said are you ready um yeah okay then hop in. We were talking he said "okay first make the turn around the corner so he did but then their was a dead end with a rubbish dump their and I crashed into it.

    By Kelly-Anne
